Floral, Bright, Juicy

Floral, Bright, Juicy

Item information

TS: Al Bosque

Item information

Huehuetenango, Guatemala


Variety: Maragogype

Processing: Washed

Origin: Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Producers:Wilmar Castillo

Altitude: 1900 m

We have another amazing coffee for you this week. From Hoja Blanca in Huehuetenango Guatemala this delicious juicy coffee is going to make you smile like it makes me smile! From Wilmar Castillo and Vista Al Bosque, it's a farm we've shipped plenty of other coffees from before. This coffee though is extra special. It is a super juicy floral coffee with a nice spike of brightness to give clarity to what you are tasting. It's a pleasure to bring it to the club and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

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5.0 out of 5

Just delicious

This is so tasty. In addition to the brightness and the juicy and floral notes all mentioned above, there is a lovely stonefruit acidity that perfectly cleans the palate after each sip. Delicious, easy to drink, and full flavored.

On 05/24/24 Sean Reilly said

Glad you like it Rob! We are roasting the last of it this Monday :)

Rob Brayer


Member Since

September '20

5.0 out of 5

Perhaps the best coffee I've had through Moustache - earthy, floral, fruity, complex - hope to see it back

Blueberry, herbs, lime

Hovig Tchalian


Member Since

January '21