Wine, Lavender, Plums

Wine, Lavender, Plums

Item information

Sitio Vargem Anaerobic #7

Item information

Lambari, Brazil


Variety: Red Catuai

Processing: Natural

Origin: Lambari, Brazil

Producers: Rosimeire & Carlos

Altitude: 1125M

Score: 87

Rosimeire and her husband Carlos grew up in coffee-producing families and practically inherited their knowledge and passion for coffee. Carlos is the son of another producer, Lourdes Fatima, and his brother is helping both Carlos and their mother experiment with processing. Sitio Vargem Grande became their farm in 2009 when they got married, and they chose it because the land is between 1,100 and 1,400 meters above sea level, which is a great altitude for coffee in Brazil. Their challenge is to find a market for their coffees with more unique processes like this one, and to capture the younger generation's interest in coffee production in Brazil to keep the industry strong. Rosimeire processes her coffee both washed and naturally with aerobic fermentation - this lot being the latter. Cherries are dried on a patio, and depending on the weather this can take from 150 to 200 hours.

We love this coffee for many reasons- it's structured very well with good acidity, a rich winey base, and lavender-like florals to add some levity to the brew. It's a very impressive coffee with dynamic flavors that everybody can get behind. If this year's coffees are anything to go off of, we're expecting a bright future for these young producers in Brazil!

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4.0 out of 5

Savory and dynamic.

This is about as far from berry-bomb naturals as you can get. Lavendar is exactly the right floral descriptor: It has a bit of the cooling sensation of the flower, but without the vegetal parts of mint. The full acidity arrives right after that, leaving you to sort out the rest of the flavor. I haven't been able to pin these beans down: They are exceptionally sensitive to grind size and technique changes.

On 09/02/21 BJ said

I find the Anaerobics a little tricky to dial in myself - how are you grinding, and for what method? I've enjoyed them best on an Aeropress where I can really "juice" the extraction.

On 09/02/21 Jacob MacDonald said

Relatively coarsely on a JX-Pro for something close to the 4:6 V60 method. When I go finer I'm hitting bitterness pretty quickly, and backing out results in what I interpret as underextraction. Sound like it might be useful to break out the Aeropress again.

Jacob MacDonald


Member Since

April '18

5.0 out of 5

Fabulous Coffee

Smooth, mellow, flavorful, and a bit funky, this coffee is a gem. It's one of the few I've encountered where the flavor matches the nose almost exactly. Surprisingly (to me), I like this anaerobic version even a bit more than the normal, aerobic version.

Ethan R


Member Since

October '15

5.0 out of 5


One of my all time favorites

Michael Luciani


Member Since

December '20

5.0 out of 5

This is my favorite from the club, so far...

A great departure from floral and berry, this is very in your face with stone-fruit and that slightly "spiked" flavor that anaerobics deliver. I'm quite sad I can't order this for my regular coffee.

On 09/08/21 BJ said

Hey Trey, don't worry - we've still got a bit left! I'll be adding in some more batches to the upcoming roast days.

Trey Pearce


Member Since

May '15

5.0 out of 5


Complex and unusual flavor profile. Might be my favorite this far

Steeg Pierce


Member Since

January '21

5.0 out of 5


This coffee is a delight and exactly the reason I love to get beans from MCC. It is balanced, rich, sits in the mouth beautifully. 3 minutes in the French Press gave a great brew. Looking forward to trying it in the Aeropress.

Will Bklyn


Member Since

January '16