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Alto de la Cruz
Variety: Caturra, Yellow Bourbon, Red Bourbon
Processing: Washed
Crop Year: 2016
Origin: Inza de Cauca, Colombia
Sub-region: Alto de la Cruz
Producers: Saul Figueroa
Altitude: 1900-2100m
This week's crop is a super-sweet coffee with all the best characteristics of its Colombian origin. First of all, these beans come from Alto de la Cruz in the Inza de Cauca area, where Red and Yellow Bourbon coffee plants grow among the Caturra varietals more common in Colombia. This coffee was also processed in the traditional Colombian style: hand-crank pulped, soaked, washed, and then sun-dried for more than 12 days. The combination of rare Colombian beans and classic Colombian processing creates an outstanding and distinctly Colombian flavor profile: stark sugary sweetness paired with a rich, buttery body. Even in a country that's known for coffee, Saul Figueroa's beans stand out and we're stoked to be sharing them with you.
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