Bright, Sweet, Cherry, Raspberry

Bright, Sweet, Cherry, Raspberry

Item information


Item information

Embu, Kenya


Variety: Batian, K7, Ruiru 11, SL28, SL34

Processing: Washed

Origin: Embu County, Kenya

Producers:Murue Farmer’s Cooperative Society

Altitude: 1760m

Ngurueri Coffee Factory, built in 1968 on the slopes of Mt. Kenya, lies 1760 meters above sea level. It’s part of the Murue Farmer’s Cooperative Society and strategically located Kenya's main coffee growing zone. Situated in Embu County, Ngurueri Factory offers picturesque views of the valley where Mount Kenya National Park begins, nestled between Mt. Kenya and the Aberdare ranges.

That is all to say, that it's in a beautiful spot to be producing seriously beautiful coffees. We are getting sweet cherry fruit and delicious raspberry all with a lovely creamy finish.

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