Peach, Pear, Chocolate

Peach, Pear, Chocolate

Item information

Narino Carmela

Item information


Variety: Castillo

Processing: Washed

Crop Year: 2016

Origin: Narino, Colombia

Sub-Region: Sandona

Producer: Carmela Ramos

Altitude: 2100m

This week's bright, crisp coffee originated high in the Narino region of Colombia, on the San Jose farm where it was carefully tended by Carmela Ramos. Soaked, washed, and dried on open-air beds for 15 days, these beans have been painstakingly crafted to display their light, fruity notes and chocolately base. When the castillo varietal was introduced for major production in Colombia in 2005, there were many skeptical farmers who elected to stick with their trusty heirlooms. Luckily some Colombian farms embraced the new plant, whose delicious beans have quickly become one of the rising stars in the specialty coffee marketplace. With a cup this smooth and delicious, we definitely understand why.

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