Tasting Notes: Lemonade, Dried Fruit, Cane Sugar

Tasting Notes: Lemonade, Dried Fruit, Cane Sugar

Item information

El Progreso

Item information

Huila, Colombia


Variety: Colombia, Castillo

Processing: Washed

Origin: Huila, Colombia

Producers: Ricardo Montano Tovar

Altitude: 1850M

Finca El Progreso is located in the Palermo municipality of Huila, at an altitude of 1750m. Ricardo Montano Tovar, a third-generation coffee producer, tends to 24,000 Variedad Colombia and Castillo plants across his 5 hectare farm - and processes their cherry meticulously at his beneficio. He employs a multi-stage sorting process including hand-sorting, float sorting, and mechanical sorting all before beginning the soaking and drying process. In Colombia, it's common for most producers to have their own processes at their beneficios, but it takes extra effort and equipment to perform all this sorting. Mr. Tovar does this because he wants to produce the most consistently complex, high-quality coffees possible - and the results speak for themselves.

From a farm named after progress, it's fitting that this coffee stands at the head of the pack. This lot of Colombia & Castillo beans is a great example of the complexity coming out of Huila on a regular basis. We're tasting sweet, citrusy flavors like lemonade and dried fruit - a great, light cup that will certainly kickstart your day.

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