Papaya, Guava, Almond Brittle

Papaya, Guava, Almond Brittle

Item information

El Matazano

Item information

Intibuca, Honduras


Variety: Lempira

Processing: Washed

Origin: Intibuca, Honduras

Producers:Augustin Claros Gonzales

Altitude: 1600-2000M

Score: 89

Augustin consistently produces high quality coffee and is unique for the variety grown. Lempira is a cross between Timor and Caturra varieties, and is typical of Honduras. Augustin uses three horses to carry the coffee cherry from his farm, El Matazano, to his house and pulping station for processing. Augustin is a part of the 60-member cooperative of Pozo Negro. This group of producers constantly reinvest in wet mills, drying facilities, and their own production to push the bar on what this region can produce.

This coffee is a tropical rocket ship, carrying a payload of Lempira beans, providing fruit punch-like characteristics and exquisite mouthfeel. We are tasting guava layered with dry aromatics not unlike honey almond brittle, with an overall clean, distinctive finish. This is a cup that will make you sing!

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